The “Last” Flash Mob
September 10th, 2003Tonight another Manhattan flash mob went down, and they say it was the last.
But what was it the last of? Supposedly it was the last flash mob in New York to be organized by “Bill,” the mysterious inventor of flash mobs.
“Bill” might be one of the men photographed above. Of course Bill might be neither of these men. And of course, more New York flash mobs might take place tomorrow. Life offers no guarantees.
Thanks to Fred’s Journal for the photos. You can see more coverage of the “Last Flash Mob” there, as well as at Satan’s Laundromat. These are both intriguing accounts; check them out. (But what are they accounts of?)
Thanks, Bill, for flash mobs. Thanks for the mystery.
And thanks for not selling out.
Last me arse. flashmobs were in mallard filmore too BTW.
For purity sake, the elusive “Bill”, founder of the first flash mob, has announced that last night’s mob in NYC was THE last. Bill, you are an overman. Yet…
I (and I hope others) secretly plan to carry on the full originary artistic purity of the Mob Project by evoking yet another brilliant expression of meaninglessness, pointlessness, and enthusiastic joint endeavor soon. After all, when all is said and done, despite and in conjunction with self-satisfying narrative and accommodation of practicalities, little else remains.
Interesting…a reversal of the “Bill” shot…now he’s facing the opposite direction from the photo on Fred’s post. Is there a message here…?
#001 Tokyo Flash Mob
Date: Friday, September 26
Time: Evening
Place: Marunouchi
September 11th of ANY YEAR is NOT a good day for a MOB … UNLESS … it is done to Tribute those that have died on 9/11
REALLY guys!
Mia… it was on Sept. 10
it’s good to live in the “now.” but not everything you read today was written today.
if you want to keep your head in the sand, please keep your mouth there too!
Is this the last of Bill for sure? are you sure that there wont be a “Bill 2″? There is an upcoming flash mob in Denver. Place: stairs of the Cpaitol. : Month : October. Time and Date: Unknown.
One more comment… How doyou know that im not the next ” Bill”?????
An extensively (some might say excessively) detailed report of MOB 8, plus a history of my own MOB-related posts and links to several other MOBlogs are now up on my site, so come on over! yeehaw.
Howard Stern talked about Flash Mobs on his show this morning.
new idea, hoew about i f we flashcrop, by puting crop-circles near major toiwns like new york, moscow, london, la etc, etc
can you e-mail me with your thoughts/feedback
hi, i`m brazilian anD I would like to do a FLASH MOB here in my city.. some fridns say i`m crazy.. and i say.. yes I`M and? hihihi.
kisses for aLL people.. and continue do flash mob.. it`s very funny
Hii i’m brasilian and i read one magazine and they talk about Flash mob…it’s so funny…
I would like to do a Flash Mob in my city but in Brasil it’s impossible because there are a lot of “bad peolpe” so….
But it’s so cool..:)
Kisses Carol
London House of Commons Flash Mob Alert….
For details email
none of you are brasilian/brazilian, none of you matter, flash mobs don’t matter, you’re all extra-white, blogs are for naked fat people, i will beat your ass… questions? comments? nipples?
Flash-Mob in L–hne, 24. Oktober 2003, 10 Uhr
vor dem Jugendamt, Alte B¸nder Straþe 14,
32584 L–hne, Germany
i’v jest read about flash mobs in my magazine and im totally hooked! i’v seen the photo’s but there doesnt seem like there is anyone there who is my age(15) would i look really out of place joining one? i really want to but i dont want to be singled out for being joung…any feedback?
keep up the enthusiasm!!!
You guys seriously need a job.
How can I find a flash mob in Boston??? I’m really interested! I’m a freshman at an art school, and think it would be an excellent piece or performance art… What do you call a flash mob-like act, if there is only one person?????
email me at
Thanx so much! 🙂
greetings everyone…does anyone have any information about flash mobbing in philadelphia? or is interested? email me at
Does anyone have any info on the flashmob that happened in Las Vegas, August 31st? I haven’t read anything post-mob
We need another flash mob in NYC…things are just too quiet.
hey!! are there any flash mobs in canada? write back…
Any flashmobs in denver coming up??
TazmanianLiddy (AIM)
To: Marketing department
I am the photos researcher for enRoute Magazine, the in-flight Magazine of
Air Canada.
In our December issue, we have a short text about the Flash Mobs.
Would it be possible to have some photographs to illustrate the text ?
You can either send us high resolution photographs (300 dpi, 4 X 5 inches in
a jpeg, tiff, eps or psd format) or you can mail us slides, CD-ROM or
photographs of the Flash Mobs.
If you choose to mail us the material, please write ‘No Commercial Value’ on
the package so it won’t be delayed at the customs. Our deadline is October
Please include photo credit if any.
EnRoute Magazine has a monthly circulation of 180 000 copies and an
estimated readership of 800 000.
Thank you for you help,
Isabelle Sauve
Recherche photos/Photos Research
Magazine enRoute
4200, boul. Saint-Laurent, bureau 707
MontrÈal (QuÈbec) CANADA H2W 2R2
514.844.2001 p. 211
read Flash Crowd, the true origin of flash mobs, for some insight into the future of police repression…
Anyone thought of doing one in Oregon?
003: Tokyo Flash Mob
November 30
2:22 pm
For info:
any info for flash mob
an event will take place on november 22nd in washington dc.
at 12:30 pm, participants will step onto the lawn on the mall outside the hirshorn museum sculpture garden. sound an instrument of some kind. (whistle, horn, etc).
drop to their knees and procede to count the grass outloud. at 12;35 they are to sound their instruments again and disperse. sign up at or just show up.
French Flash MOB #1 in Denver 02/7/04
Les Flash Mobs sont des rassemblements urbains qui tiennent ý la fois de la poÈsie
et de la farce. Avec seulement le plaisir comme moteur, venez nous rejoindre ce Samedi:
Name: French Flash Mob #1
Duration: 13 minutes (3MN of ACTION)
Location: Downtown Denver, Civic Center Park
(West of Broadway, South of Colfax Avenue, East of Bannock Street,
and North of 14th Avenue).
FFB Start time: saturday February 7, 2:20PM sharp
Mapquest help:
Bring: a baguette (a long thin loaf of French bread)
Synchronizing: On the morning of February 7th synchronize your watch on
Picture of the Flag from Brittany:
1)PRE-Meeting: By no later than 2:20PM arrive at the following location:
Downtown Denver, Civic Center Park.
Upon your arrival, find a place to relax. Act casual and enjoy some of the cities
finest street performers.
2)PROCEDURE: Shortly before 2:28PM look for the person holding a Brittany flag.
This is the MOB representative.
3)FFB Action time: Saturday February 7, 2:30PM shout many times
“KENAVO!” (MEANS HELLO IN BRITAIN) and keep your baguette up for 3mn.
4)EXIT: At 2:33PM you should disperse.
mob in Poland . On monday in 22.03.04
in Wroclaw Center we made Flashmob
Światowy Dzień Wody
22/03/04, 15:00Ã::ÃWrocław
kto: _joan_ ÃÃÃ gdzie: rynek, fontanna przed sukiennicami
Wrocław, Rynek, Plac Gołębi (koło fontanny), godz. 15:00, zabierzcie plastikowe butelki wypełnione czystą wodą! :)) Zaakcentujemy w ten sposÛb problem wyczerpujących się zasobÛw wody pitnej na świecie – to naprawdę poważna sprawa!!!
Spotykamy się w poniedziałek 22 marca na Rynku z plastikowymi butelkami po napojach napełnionymi czystą wodą. Punktualnie o godz. 15:00, jak tylko zegar na ratuszu zacznie wybijać godzinę, ustawiamy się dookoła fontanny odwrÛceni do niej plecami, i wylewamy wodę z butelek. Po czym krzyczymy “Nie ma wody!” i rozchodzimy się we wszystkie strony! Do zobaczenia!!! Liczę na wszystkich, dla ktÛrych nie jest obca wrażliwość na problemy środowiska a zwłaszcza wody :)))
Global Flashmob #2 is sceduled for saturday 19th of June 2004, about 2pm local time.
Informations are on the FlashMobWiki
East european and russian mobbers came up with GFM #2. There are many, many cities participating mainly in the east already.
!!!Add your city to the list on the wiki please!!!
Preparations for GFM #2 are mostly going on in a HiddenSpace. An open discussion on the FutureOfGlobalFlasmob evolves on the wiki (which is an OpenSpace). Montly fullmoon GFM’s, global voting on scenarios … or better not. Stuff like that. Please feel invited to participate in the dicussion.
— MattisManzel