When Life Gives You SARS
October 10th, 2003“When life gives your SARS, make sarsaparilla.”
– Cory Doctorow
“When life gives your SARS, make sarsaparilla.”
Tags: funny: ha-ha | 19 Comments »
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What the hell is sarsparilla?
For Heaven’s sake Mr. Malek, you’re on the Internet. You could have looked up the meaning of “sarsaparilla” in less time than it took you to post that comment.
From Webster’s dictionary (m-w.com):
Pronunciation: “sas-p&-‘ri-l&, “sâ€rs-, -‘re-; “sa-s&-, “sâ€r-s&-
Function: noun
Etymology: Spanish zarzaparrilla, from zarza bush + parrilla, diminutive of parra vine
Date: 1577
3: a sweetened carbonated beverage flavored with sassafras and oil distilled from a European birch
Yeah, but it’s sarsparilla, you twonk, not sarsAparilla.
Look at my website address: see? spelt right.
Dearest Right Honorable Vanessa in London:
You wouldn’t troll a poor, lowly colonist, would you?
Please consult a dictionary before misnaming your next Web log. It’s “sarsaparilla.”
I already posted the Webster’s entry above.
If you prefer common usage (how gauche!), consider that Google returns 6,540 entries for “sarsparilla” vs. 111,000 entries for “sarsaparilla.”
-Sean in the colonies
As detailed in the protracted email exchange with Sean, I was Wrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrong, and I apologiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiise forthwith. All is quiet once more at cheesebikini.
(But flashmobs are still silly.)
Make a huge batch will ya. 🙂
when life gives you LAWS, make cheesebikini
And when life gives you AIDS, make LemonAIDS.
When life hands you lemons, it’ll be nasty lemonade: http://www.catandgirl.com/view.cgi?79
agree with u
Nice set of posts.
I feel someone happier and confused for reading
these posts; as my ex-gf explains to me, in my
drunk state, to enjoy drink vodka you need to:
“if you drink vodka the best thing to eat right
after drinking is saulted cucumbers (not fresh
Confused? I know I am, as the conversation
Note: I dont drink vodka, and yes, she is drunk
Nice page!!!
Nice page!!!
I’m sorry
Excuse me.
Nice page!!!
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