

PlaceSite Launch: Tuesday

April 16th, 2005

[ UPDATE: Our launch period at A’Cuppa Tea is over. Keep an eye on for news of upcoming launches. ]

ps-logo-sm.gifWe’ll launch Project PlaceSite this Tuesday
at A’Cuppa Tea cafe and teahouse in Berkeley.

Full details:

Come out and join in!

6 Responses to “PlaceSite Launch: Tuesday”

  1. comment number 1 by: kellan

    hey sean, when I saw PlaceSite this morning I thought of you. Shouldn’t be surprised that you’re involved 🙂

    When you were in Seattle you were talking about people being very leary of sharing their info when it was tied to physical location, what’s changed?

  2. comment number 2 by: sean

    Hi Kellan!

    A lot of the assumptions that I brought to Seattle changed based on what I learned there, particularly from the results of our Seattle wi-fi survey.

    [Will post details here after the San Francisco wi-fi survey is over.]


  3. comment number 3 by: Ryan

    Sean —

    Best of luck on the PlaceSite project! It looks fascinating. Perhaps it’s too early to think about where this might go next, but I just finished up a post here:

    I live in Spokane, Wash., which isn’t huge as urban centers go, but we’ve got a free wireless network called the HotZone, which covers 100 blocks of downtown. I can think of all sorts of interesting possibilities that something like PlaceSite would open up if it covered a larger commercial (and to some extent, residential) district like this.

  4. comment number 4 by: Dav

    Cool Sean, good luck. Looking forward to trying it out when I get back to the States.

  5. comment number 5 by: Steve Rhodes

    The placesite site seems to be down now.

  6. comment number 6 by: kissmob

    KISS MOB taking place at Piccadilly Circus, London this Friday 27th May at 17.40! Bring a toothbrush, more instructions over at