Flash Mob News from Minnesota, Texas, Austria
July 23rd, 2003Minneapolis organizers put together an event (or rather, a series of events staged in different locations) at a huge shopping mall. Participant turnout was estimated at 50, but perhaps reduced secrecy about the next Minneapolis event will spur a larger crowd?
New flash mobs are brewing in Vienna, Austria and in Dallas. (Here’s an English version of the Austrian flash mob page, as automatically translated by babelfish.altavista.com.
Flash mobs are a widespread phenomenon now with lots of people around the world taking part, so from now on when I mention flash mobs I’m going to focus on the most compelling flash mob coverage and opinion. For more exhaustive listings of the numerous local flash mob announcements, groups, sites and press coverage, check out flashmob.info, where anyone can sign up for an account and submit mob news or a link to a new mob group, or mob(b)log, whose creator “Alex” is doing a good job of listing media coverage but strangely fails to provide any way to reach him or to comment on his postings. In the meantime, Rob Zazueta is designing a site to make it easier for people to organize what he calls “flocks;” it’s not done yet but you can keep track of it at flocksmart.com. Thanks for the resources, people!
(By the way; have you seen The Word Spy’s entry for the term “flash mob?”)
The first flash mob in Austria will take place tomorrow: Meeting point 25.7.2003 15:00 in Vienna, Tram Station ‘Volkstheater’. As soon as there is more information it will be posted on flashmob.twoday.net
hey there, news from austria : the first austrian flashmob will be held tommorow afternoon in vienna. here’s the website :
http://flashmob.neuromance.net/ (in german)
happy flashmobbing,
Rex at http://www.fimoculous.com/ has a good review and photos of the first Minneapolis Mob event. I want to thank Rex for taking part and providing an indepth review!
the first flashmob in Vienna, Austria took place about an hour ago. here are some pictures and a video of the event.
We are starting a flash mob in Portland Oregon. Visit the site to get on the list.
Houston needs one
If you haven’t heard of flash mobs, they are large groups of people that show up in a public place at a specific moment and perform synchronized actions for a short period of time, then quickly disperse. The intention of this is simply to have fun and make passersby stop and go, “Wait, what the hell was that?” If you would like to be part of the first known flash mob in Portland, please go to this site: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/PDXFM and join the group. You will receive further information by way of email through the group. Please send this message to everyone that you know.
Has anyone heard anything about a possible flash mob in oklahoma? I would really appreciate any information on it if so. ty
When I went to the Portland site it said you needed to get an invitation to be put on the list. How in the heck do you get an invitation? Anyone?
The OK flash mob is going down on thursday. Goto http://www.richstevens.com/NAKED.swf for info!
How can I find out about any flash mobs Los Angeles?
I have been checking out flash mobs for the past week and i’m interested in starting one in my town. Its not as big as most of the cities the flash mobs meet in, but i’d like to do one all the same.
I plan to do one as soon as I get 50 people on invite only.
Help would be very much appreciated as I just winging this thing. (although i think this site is about deadand no one will answer.)